Hailed as “Southeast Asia’s best stand-up comedy show”, this hilarious and carefully curated stand-up comedy show takes place at a secret location in SANUR (Bali) and features an exciting mix of comics as seen on Netflix, Showtime & Comedy Central. This is Bali’s only curated stand-up comedy show.
Why is it a secret? All past shows have sold out resulting in having to sadly turn away many people at the door. Hence, the location now is a secret and the online sales stop once capacity is reached. Address will be revealed to you privately upon your ticket purchase.
Don’t be confused—here’s how it works:
- Buy your ticket online here. Once you purchase your ticket, you’ll get an email receipt confirming your ticket and secret location details.
- Ticket holders will receive a reminder email on the day of the show to get updated for specifics related to the venue.
- Upon arrival, please show your electronic ticket at the door & enjoy the show!
Limited seats. Online tickets here only.
Delicious food & drinks available for sale at the venue.
Laughter truly is the best medicine. See you at the show!
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